Tuesday, October 14, 2008

#2 Lifelong Learning
Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners
These are that habits that I have found to be easiest and hardest for me to use.
Habit 7: Teach/mentor others
I have found this to be an easier habit for me, actually a preferred habit of learning. When I teach someone, it reinforces that same information to me again. It also forces me to simplify the information to make it teachable.

Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox
This habit is what I need to work on. I have used internet technology for several years, but have never been able to create a box of tools to use to access the information in the right way. I have gotten bits of tools here and there, so I view this as a learning opportunity on how to getting what I need while searching and also what tools I can use for personal growth.

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